Ongoing work for all tools

The ongoing work involves:

  • Outstanding work on the migration of RSPM, RPAT, and GreenSTEP to the VisionEval framework is outlined in the GitHub wiki’s Modules & Packages and Roadmap pages. Now that these are in a common framework, future enhancements of any tool should be usable by all other tools. For example, a module which captures multi-modal travel in VE-RSPM can also be used with VE-RPAT, as both models will use similar structures and share code.
  • Updated Multi-Modal travel modules were built by PSU for VE-RSPM through a peer-reviewed ODOT Research project (completed in June 2017). See this introduction to the Multi-Modal module and this ODOT report on the module.
  • In a pilot contributor Review Team effort completed in September 2017, a review team of agency partner, academic, and consultants reviewed industry code governance best practices, developed a VisionEval charter and review process, and piloted this process using the Multi-Modal travel modules as a test case code submittal for inclusion in the VisionEval repository.
  • A Documentation Plan has been developed to describe what is needed to produce comprehensive documentation at multiple levels of detail.
  • VE-State, a state-level version of VE-RSPM to replicate the functionality of GreenSTEP, was completed in 2019.

Future Enhancements

  • VERSPM will be extended with additional modules via the Pooled Fund. These future enhancements are planned to be carried out in a way which can be used for RPAT and GreenSTEP as well as RSPM.
  • A wish list of desired upgrades, reflecting agency partner priorities per an August 2016 Peer Exchange in Portland, is available at the GitHub Roadmap page.

In addition to new tool functionality, possible future enhancements might also include scenario planning support, such as case studies, reasonable ranges of various policy inputs, aids to facilitate transit and land use inputs, equity analyses, and peer review of VisionEval tools.